Tinkering with Teachers
Teachers from Fayetteville?s Butterfield Trail Elementary and Happy Hollow Elementary, along with the Director of K-12 Science and Instructional Technology, had a blast learning alongside the Amazeum staff the ?why? and ?how to? tinker on Monday, February 23, 2015 in the Amazeum?s Tinkering Studio! Most of the teachers had not yet experienced tinkering with their students. This one day training provided teachers the opportunity to engage in tinkering through the creation of wind tubes and scribble bots, as well as have dialogue throughout the day about the components of tinkering, what facilitating tinkering looks like in the classroom, and how tinkering builds students? critical thinking skills.

Fayetteville Public Schools teachers learn about tinkering with Amazeum staff.
Thanks to funding from the Fayetteville Public Education Foundation (FPEF) teachers were not only able to visit the Amazeum?s Tinkering Studio, they will also be provided with the resources for all students in their 4th and 5th grade classrooms to tinker. In late spring, students will dive into the world of tinkering by making their own scribble bots. We can?t wait to see what they create!

Fayetteville Public Schools teachers created scribblebots using simple motors, batteries and objects.
Written by Jenny Gammill, Director of K-12 Science and Instructional Technology, Fayetteville Public Schools.